Combine colors and prints is an art. The concept of Mixed Print has been in the market for a while and it gets reinvented each season.


Combinar colores y estampados es un arte. No es algo que debes ir a estudiarlo a la escuela ni hacer un diplomado, es cuestión de educar el ojo para poder apreciar cuando dos o mas patrones alcanzan una cierta armonía.  El concepto de “mix & match” tiene ya un tiempo en el mercado y cada temporada se va reinventando.  Si eres de las que no se atreve a crear un look completo aplicado este concepto, no te preocupes… lo bueno es que con ayuda de los accesorios puedes mezclar estos estampados sin temor a equivocarte. Hoy les daré 3 ideas de cómo apoderarse del mix & match esta temporada. ¡Empecemos!…

Combine colors and prints is an art. The concept of Mixed Print has been in the market for a while and it gets reinvented each season.

Idea #1 – Double Touble (Juego de Dobles)
Consiste en mezclar dos piezas del mismo tipo de estampado con diferentes colores y formas; es decir flores grandes con flores pequeñas, leopardo con zebra, cuatros con tartán, lunares grandes con pequeño, rayas anchas con finas, etc. La clave esta en buscar un tono de color que armonice los patrones; fíjense como en la primera imagen ambas tonalidades del vestido y la cartera son rosadas, igual en la combinación de cuadros; la parte de arriba contiene unos pequeños toques de rojo que acentúan la falda. Esto es jugar con los colores y crear un efecto óptico que hace que las piezas concuerden.


Combine colors and prints is an art. The concept of Mixed Print has been in the market for a while and it gets reinvented each season.

Idea #2 – Feline Power (Poder Felino)
Christopher Bailey nos reta a unir lo romántico con lo atrevido en esta temporada de Burberry, la combinación de animal print con corazones fue una maravilla en la pasarela. Amé esta mezcla; se ve interesante y divertido, y lo que lo hace ver menos infantil es el hecho de que los corazones son blancos en un fondo marrón que va en tono con el estampado felino. Combinarlo con otro estampado en color monocromático o con rayas o cuadros es también una buena opción.


Combine colors and prints is an art. The concept of Mixed Print has been in the market for a while and it gets reinvented each season.

Idea #3 – Stripes Emblelished – (Rayas Recamadas)
Las rayas son parte del estilo preppy o náutico, nunca pasan de moda. Combínalas con piezas étnicas o bordadas, el mix & match de estilos le dará un toque especial y atrevido al atuendo. ¿Necesitas una referencia? Dries Van Note Otoño 2013.

Combine colors and prints “Mixed Print” is an art. It’s not something you should go to school or do a degree, you just need to educate your eye to appreciate when two or more patterns reach a harmony. The concept of “mix & match” has been in the market for a while and it gets reinvented each season. If you are the type of person who doesn’t dare to create a complete look applying this concept, do not worry … the good thing of Mixed Print is that whit some accessories you can mix these prints without fear of making mistakes. Today I give you 3 ideas on how to take over the mix & match this season. Shall we begin?…

Combine colors and prints is an art. The concept of Mixed Print has been in the market for a while and it gets reinvented each season.

Idea #1 – Double Touble (Juego de Dobles)

It consists in mixing two pieces of the same kind of pattern with different colors and shapes, ie large flowers with small flowers, zebra with leopard, tartan with geometrics, big polka dots with tiny polka dots, horizontal stripes with vertical stripes , etc.. The key is to find a tone of color that harmonizes the patterns, notice how in the first image both the clutch and the dress are pink, also in the bottom image, the geometric top has a few small touches of red that accentuate the skirt. This is playing with the colors and creating an optical illusion of Mixed Print that makes the pieces match.

Combine colors and prints is an art. The concept of Mixed Print has been in the market for a while and it gets reinvented each season.

Idea #2 – Feline Power (Poder Felino)

Christopher Bailey challenges us to combine the romantic with the audacious this season on Burberry, combining hearts shapes with animal Mixed Print was a marvel on the catwalk. I loved this mixture, it looks interesting and fun, and what makes it look less childish is the fact that the hearts are white on a brown background and that goes perfect with the print. Combining it with other monochrome colors, stripes or checks is also a good choice.

Combine colors and prints is an art. The concept of Mixed Print has been in the market for a while and it gets reinvented each season.

Idea #3 – Stripes Emblelished – (Rayas Recamadas)

The stripes are preppy or nautical, they are timeless. Combine them with embroidered ethnic  or ornamental pieces, the Mixed Print of styles will give a special touch to the outfit. Need a reference? Dries Van Note Fall 2013.

photos by: Le 21 éme | Street Peeper | Collage Vintage