From NYC, with Love

I asked the owner, where did she get it and she just said : "New York, baby!" Visit "Il Viaggio Della Farfalla"
Summer Item #3: The Big Sombrero

Summer Item #3: The Big Sombrero

When I was a little bit younger, I used to spend my Spring Break in a resort with my family. A few days, previous the departure, me and my sister usually went shopping for the right items for our trip;  I remember one year that my Mom decided to buy a big Panama hat. Me and my sisters looked at her as "What the hell is she wearing!!?" .. and with a strong attitude she responded to us: "I'm not getting burn by the sun and also in my golden years (the 70's)…

DIY- Pom Pom Necklace

Check out the DIY project by Honestly... WTF! Visit "Il Viaggio Della Farfalla"

Summer Item #2: The Print Scarf

As you might know, I have been shopping new summer items for my wardrobe, and a few days ago I posted the first item and here comes the second; The Print Scarf. I got it at Tally Weijl and decided to wear it as  a turban around my head that I saw at Because Im Addicted, the Moroccan Princess way.. pretty cool, right? Check out the DIY video, definitely it's A-Must-Do for the summer. Visit "Il Viaggio Della Farfalla"