Christmas Gift Guide I

Christmas Gift Guide I

Se acerca la Navidad... ¿ya sabes que le vas a regalar a tus seres queridos? En las siguientes semanas estaré presentándoles una guía de regalos de los items mas cool y económicos que están disponibles en las tiendas y/u online ... Todo costará menos de US$50, aproximadamente $2,000 pesos así que te aseguro que tu portamonedas no sufrirá en el camino.  Holiday season is just around the corner, do you know what to get for your love ones? For the next couple of week I will be developing a quick, fantastic and cheap…
Summer Shopping

Summer Shopping

Les juro que no voy de compras todos los días, si confieso que esporádicamente hago algunas compritas si se me presentan en el camino; sin embargo las grandes compras de mi armario las hago 2 veces al año en las temporadas de especiales. Para comprar en especiales tengo todo una estrategia, llevo un tiempo aplicándola y me ha ido súper bien, así que no esta de mas compartirla por aquí. Nunca compro en las primeras semanas de especiales…al menos que REALMENTE lo necesite. ¿La razón? Los descuentos duran todo el verano porque es…
Key Gift Guide // Mother’s Day

Key Gift Guide // Mother’s Day

Dominican Mother's Day is just around the corner so I've prepared a gift guide for that person who holds your hand when you feel like crumble and helps you be a better person every single day... at least that's my mom to me. Don't you know what to get for her on that special day? Fear not more! Here there is a list of items that will make your mom look even more fabulous. El Día de las Madres Dominicanas está a la vuelta de la esquina, así que he preparado una guía…
Key Shopping Guide // Merci

Key Shopping Guide // Merci

Long weekend is just around the corner, are you planing a trip to the beach? Well, I have a new place for you. On today's shopping guide we are talking about beachwear and summer days, and for the dominicans, when we hear "summer" that means all year long. Merci was born six months ago by interior designer and architect, Rhina Espaillat. She dreamed about owning a store where she could combine her passions, fashion, beach and interiors, into one little but wonderful place. At the store, you can find a big selection of…
Trends // Transparency

Trends // Transparency

I remember this trend a few seasons back, but I wasn't feeling much love to the transparent bag of Hermes, Prada or Chanel. Don't get me wrong, they can look pretty chic but I have to be honest: this kind of bag is not useful for an everyday event. I always have a big mess inside my bag, I usually put in anything and everything and, well... people don't need to see all my little dirty secrets, right? If you think like me, fear not more because there are so many way to…
Moodboard // Spring Mix

Moodboard // Spring Mix

Happy Colors! This is all I need to deal with this week. Be inspired with my Spring Mix Moodboard, because you can never have too many bright bold colors, floral prints and strawberry drinks. Colores Felices! Es todo lo que necesito para lidiar con este semana. Inspirate con mi Spring Mix Moodboard, porque los colores brillantes, los estampados florales y las bebidas de fresas nunca están de mas. Mercancia disponible en Sema RD
Key Shopping Guide // Axxessori

Key Shopping Guide // Axxessori

Say hello to a new column on the blog! People are always asking me where I buy my accessories or where to find good items, so I decided to start a key shopping guide: where to find the best key items in town. Obviously, I will start with some places here in DR but I would love to add more spots from all around the world, so if you own a store or know about a pretty cool place to buy accessories, leave a comment below, I would love to read your suggestions.…