Why You Need To Start Working On Quality Over Quantity
We live in an era where we’re most focused on a number. “how many followers she has” “how many photos she publishes” “how much they sell”, “how many likes they get”… Mainly in the world of blogging and social media, the quantity has become something in which you become obsessed and it starts to affect you by questioning your abilities and skills. Thoughts like: “maybe my work is not that good?” Or “my brand is not worth it?”; invade our heads. It has happened to me.
Just a few days ago I found a reflection from the blog, Nany’s Kloset and I felt so related. Daniela mentioned the story of a girl that did her makeup at a photo shoot a while back, and she told her that she sometimes she didn’t get some jobs because people said: “she didn’t have the sufficient amount of followers.” ….SAY WHAT!? Does your talent and quality of work should not be more important ?. Today this happens every day, it has happened to me several times.
However, I try not to get discouraged or forget about my main purpose. This is one of the things I like to talk at the workshop The Key To Blog. Do not mistake me, I’m not saying that having tons of followers or likes is bad. I know it’s a way to get to know if people are responding to you, but that’s not what defines the quality of your work. Do not let this be the mission or your main reason when you start a project. Focus on creating good quality content, pretty and retouched pictures is not enough. Keep in mind: “How can I give \ more valued?”
I truly believe that when you put passion, commitment and dedication to any project you want, the right people will notice. They will appreciate the quality over quantity. Please note the keyword in the last sentence: “right people”. When I started this blog it was for fun, to share experiences and establish virtual conversations with people who are really interested in what I have to say. Because, at the end of the day, that’s what counts most.