
Recently we launched a great variety of styled stock photos in The Key Item Shop. But the question is, what are styled stock photos? Well, stock photos are professional high-resolution images you can purchase. The cool thing about it is that once you purchase them you are allowed to use them for pretty much anything. Here are four easy ways you can use styled stock photos for your brand:

4 Easy And Creative Ways To Use Styled Stock Photos What are stock photos? Read this article to learn all about styled stock photos, how to use them and accommodate them perfectly for your brand.

1. Use one image to create multiple images.

By purchasing just one image you can crop it and make multiple images. We took just this one photo and cropped it into 9 different photos. Like I previously mentioned, styled stock photos are in high-resolution, so cropping it won’t affect the quality.


4 Easy And Creative Ways To Use Styled Stock Photos What are stock photos? Read this article to learn all about styled stock photos, how to use them and accommodate them perfectly for your brand.

2. Give styled stock photos a touch of your brand’s personality.

If you feel like you really like a photo but it doesn’t quite match with your brand or your blog’s theme you can apply filters to it. To this photo we added 4 different filters and each one has a different mood and personality. Using apps like VSCO and Snapseed can give the styled stock photos that tonality you are looking for.

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4 Easy And Creative Ways To Use Styled Stock Photos What are stock photos? Read this article to learn all about styled stock photos, how to use them and accommodate them perfectly for your brand.

3. Promote your website / social media.

A lot of our images include a cellphone or a computer screen. Using this to your advantage, you can promote your social media by inserting screen shots of your accounts like we did in this photo and this one too. In addition, you can use this tip for other things like promoting your online store or your website. What I like the most about this idea is that it’s a way to advertise your work without it being too ‘in-your-face’.

4 Easy And Creative Ways To Use Styled Stock Photos What are stock photos? Read this article to learn all about styled stock photos, how to use them and accommodate them perfectly for your brand. 4 Easy And Creative Ways To Use Styled Stock Photos What are stock photos? Read this article to learn all about styled stock photos, how to use them and accommodate them perfectly for your brand.


4. Apply text to your styled stock photos.

Another way to use styled stock photos for advertisement is to insert text in the empty space of some photos like we did in the first image. You can use this tip to announce new blog posts, sales, discounts, anything you can imagine! Later on, you can print them out and create flyers. Even though I just said to use this tip with images with free space, it works perfectly fine with images that don’t have empty space as well, like you see in the second photo.

So these are four easy ways to use styled stock photos for your brand. But, there are plenty of other ways so get creative! One last thought is to use multiple tips at once. In this last picture we edited the photo with a filter and applied text to it.

4 Easy And Creative Ways To Use Styled Stock Photos What are stock photos? Read this article to learn all about styled stock photos, how to use them and accommodate them perfectly for your brand.


Using styled stock photos has a bunch of benefits. First of all, you save money by not having to have a professional camera and all the products you use in the shoot. In addition, setting up the products, taking the pictures and having to edit them later on take a lot of time. And like they say, time is money. Last but certainly not least, you avoid copyright right issues. Once you purchase styled stock photos you are allowed to use them however you like.

Our styled stock photos are now available here. Also we have a special promo discount until October 31st 2016.. BUY 10 stock photos for RD$999!! (which is around US$20 bucks!) Join our Shop Mail List to get the coupon. I hope you are as excited as I am about this launch! Let us know which one you love and tag me to see how creative you get.


