Why Nobody Is Following You On Instagram // Give people a reason to start following you on instagram! How? Follow this guide next time you post something on Instagram.

Instagram currently has over 300 millions active users and each user follows about 500-600 accounts (I follow 1235 to be exact!). Now, among so much competition; brands, bloggers and tons of creative entrepreneurs, how can you draw attention and make a person to start following you on Instagram?.

You keep uploading photos with a “cute”description, collaborating with influencers, running tons of giveaways but still feel that nobody is truly following you on Instagram? There are so many reasons why this is happening to you, but today I want to share the most important one:

“You’re publishing content without thinking about the relevance or what kind of audience you want to reach”


It means that maybe you’re not publishing high quality content that stand out from other accounts. Yes, I know you are promoting your service or product as everyone else. However, you’re not thinking about the additional content you can add to your post. Are you posting great photos that captivate the attention of a person in just 2 seconds? (yes, we have only a few seconds to catch their attention and encourage them to hit “follow”). Are you talking to everyone without having a specific audience in mind? Or maybe, you’re not making a clear statement about your brand. What makes it different from the the rest?

If you don’t keep this in mind, people wouldn’t connect with you and I don’t think they will start following you on Instagram. I want you to sit down for a while and think about all those questions. So, next time you’re planning to post something on your Instagram account, please answer this questionnaire carefully.

“In this post:

  • Do I represent or clearly explain what I am and what I do as a brand / product or service?
  • Am I offering a valuable content, help or inspiration?
  • Would my ideal client find it useful?
  • Are the photos attractive and make the viewer to take an action or interaction?”

The more firm your answer is, the better. Otherwise, reevaluate and start again! You need to give people a reason to start following you on Instagram. It’s very important that you publish quality content that will set you different from other accounts. Considere who is your ideal audience and what they want and need from you.

Now, I would like to know your opinion … What makes an Instagram account interesting and encourage you to hit Follow”?



