How I Got These Amazing Shoes on Sale (80% Off!)
This is the story of how these shoes on sale were meant to be mine:
I am cleaning out my closet trying to eliminate all those pieces that I don’t need or want any more, because I need to make some space for new items. I saw these Calvin Klein Collection shoes on sale when I was writing this article about shoes on sale under $ 100 bucks, but they didn’t make the cut because they exceeded the established price of the publication. At that time, the price was around US150.00 – $ 200, which was not bad since they are valued for almost $ 1000 dollars (yikes!) So I was tempted, I placed them in the cart but forgot about them.
Last week I went back to because I was looking for a pair of shoes on sale for a wedding that I have in a couple of weeks and to my surprise, I saw the Calvin Klein shoes on sale once again, only that now the price was US76.99 .. I shout out to heaven like crazy! I looked up my size and I didn’t think it twice and I just bought them …. Who knows? Maybe some other chick was looking at them at the same time, ready to purchase them. I didn’t want to take that risk! The shoes arrived one week later, I looked like a little girl on a Christmas morning opening that box. I felt in love immediately! … They are even more beautiful in person.
But the story does not end here: I tried them on and hesitated a bit about the size; “Maybe I should get a bigger size?”, I wondered. I went back to and what I saw nearly gave me a heart attack; the same shoes on sale were available, but $US400 bucks higher! Obviously I wasn’t going to return them anymore, I tried them on once again and my doubts about the size vanished from my mind.
Can you believe it? Have you ever been in this same situation with “shoes on sale”? I truly don’t know what happened that day, maybe the store had a mega sale or something went wrong in the system, I really don’t care, I just know that I got these amazing shoes on sale with more than 80% off. Unquestionably, they were meant to be mine.