New Year's Eve Printable Headband (Free!) |


Less than three days for New Year’s Eve! Are you ready? This Wednesday we will celebrate the culmination of these past 12 months; it’s time to reflect on the good and the bad, the things we have achieved and the things we are missing. But more than anything, we should be thankful for everything that had happened, and for the people who are always there to support us.

Today I share this DIY project to celebrate. This headband will help you complete your total look for New Year’s Eve. It’s super easy, economic and practical. You can make several and give to your guests as they arrive to the party, I assure you everyone will want to be in the pictures. Who’s in?

nye-printable-headband3 New Year's Eve Printable Headband (Free!) | New Year's Eve Printable Headband (Free!) | nye-printable-headband6 New Year's Eve Printable Headband (Free!) | New Year's Eve Printable Headband (Free!) | New Year's Eve Printable Headband (Free!) | New Year's Eve Printable Headband (Free!) | New Year's Eve Printable Headband (Free!) |


  • Print “Happy New Year!” image (download free -> HERE)
  • Scissors
  • Hot silicone
  • Feathers
  • Headband


  1. Cut out the image and make cuts on the little dotted lines placed in the gray zone.
  2. Fold the small cuts into the back. The cuts will allow you to keep the headband curve.
  3. Paste below the headband
  4. Place the feathers on the back of the image. Let it dry and done!

Share your photos on instagram, tag me @thekeyitem and using the hashtag #thekeyitemDIY.


