8 Flirty Designer Heels Under $100
These days I’ve been very proud of myself about the goals I set at the beginning of the year. I’ve accomplished most of them and others are beginning to improve step by step. I truly believe in the power of setting goals; and you need to visualize and write them down, so you don’t forget them. It’s recommended to put a prize on your goals, something that you will received once you complete them. It’s definitely a way to stay motivated, don’t you think? The prize can be something small, like taking a quick break and go for an ice cream, or something bigger, like planning a weekend gateway.
I always buy a new fashion item as a reward for my achievements. Then everytime I look at that piece it’s a good reminder of what I’ve accomplished and how hard I’ve worked for it. Right now, I’m craving for a new pair of shoes (hahaha!) As a freelancer, my budget can be very limit so I need to choose wisely, that’s why my first options is always 6PM, an outlet online store. You can find lots of designer shoes with a very good discount, sometimes it can be a 80% off… Sounds amazing, right? I’ve had an amazing experience with them, I bought these and these shoes on their site. They have some many options, it’s hard not to put them all in the shopping cart. These are my favorites heels under $100 dollars.
The big question, which one to choose? tough decision, my friend!.. Do you reward yourself for your achivements? If not, c’mon it’s time to do it!! Which prizes you would like to put on your list?
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