The Key Item Shop | New Website
Finally I can tell about something I have been working for over a year (yes, that long!! I’m a perfectionist and like things well done! Haha) … ‘The Key Item now has an online store !!!
After creating the creative workshops, I realize that part of the blog needed its own space, where not only you can register for workshops easily and safely, but also it’ll be a space for cool resources for entrepreneurs and creative. In The Key Item Shop, I’ll publish all the info about my creative services and cool downloadable items to promote your brand, products or services. Many more coming soon!
Gradually I will be adding more things, so do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter to always receive the news first everyone. NOTE: if you’re subscribe to the blog’s newsletter blog, your email automatically became part of our list at The Key Item Shop so you don’t need to subscribe again.
As the page is brand new, you may find a mistake here or there, so if you see one please write me an email so we can arrange everything step by step. Well that’s all for today, go visit The Key Item Shop and let me know what you think. 🙂