How To Really Achieve Your Fitness Goals (or Any Goal!)
So before we begin I don’t want you to think: “Oh gosh, here goes Nathalia with those fitness resolutions, bla, bla, bla …” As this is not the purpose of this blog post. I really want to share some tips that you can apply to any area of your life to really achieve your goals. But, let’s take fitness goals as a good example, ok?
I’ve told you before that I didn’t consider myself as a very athletic person (I used to make excuse so I can miss my PE class, I never thought of joining the volleyball team and never I’ve been very excited about doing daily workouts) However, I have developed a new mentality to really like and achieve my fitness goals. PLEASE NOTE: I’m not an expert or anything, I just want to share my tips and tricks so you can accomplish all your goals.
“It’s just that I do not have money”, “I do not have time”, “I have poor coordination”, “It’s that …”, “It’s that …” and the list continues.
These are not reasons, they are EXCUSES. And until you decide that you are done with them, you will begin to make decisions that will lead you to achieve your fitness goals. I believe, there is nothing impossible, they will only take more work to achieve. So find the solution to whatever excuse that’s in your way.
So; you don’t have enough money for a gym membership or personal trainer? Hello! Find free videos on YouTube. Don’t have enough time? Get up an hour earlier or just do a 30-minute routine between the day. Do you feel like you have none coordination or skill? With practice, you will pick up the floor. TRUE STORY: I could not jump the rope for more than 10 times, now – after 3 months – I can do 100 rope jumps consecutive … Woho!
The key word on this step is “YOU LIKE”. Some time ago I heard Dominique from Vita, Health & Fitness speak in a forum and I loved when she said; “You should do an exercise that really appeals to you, not by what others say or what is fashionable at the moment” Therefore, if your best friend told you that Crossfit is the best thing ever, but then after 3 classes you hate it .. that’s OK! Choose another exercise.
There are a thousand ways to achieve your fitness goals and not necessarily what I like, you’ll like it too. For example I love kickboxing, pilates, and Zumba. But Yoga or Crossfit I do it sporadically because for my and my taste they aren’t excited as the others. The point is that you find something that really motivates you; Swimming, tennis, running, dancing? It’s your decision!
The only way to meet your fitness goals (or whatever goal you set for yourself) is by incorporating it into your lifestyle. They can not be separated, nor can they be sporadic. You must visualize them and live them day by day. Think about what you will do daily to achieve it and really enjoy it.
Remember that in life everything is a habit, and you only need 21 continuous days of something to achieve it. Do you want to learn to take good photos? Practice every day and take photos of EVERYTHING in different situations and angles…yes, I mean everything!!!. Do you want to run 10km? Start with 1km a day (no matter where you are, even if you go on vacation) and increase it every week. It will become something YOU WANT to do, instead of something you MUST get out of the way.
It will sound silly but how your look affects a lot in your emotional state. When you look good, you feel good. If you already decided what type of exercises you are going to implement to achieve your fitness goals, you need to have the equipment and the right outfit. For this, you do not have to spend much, brands like Forever 21 and Old Navy has a section of sports super affordable and very good quality. Here is a shopping list for you to start creating your fitness looks, which will help you save time and motivate you to exercise. In addition, you will look super cute (or hot!) on your ” gym selfie ” 😉